Planning update
Malvern Hills Council’s Northern Area Planning Committee has decided to grant planning permission for up
to 40 dwellings on agricultural land off Brookend Lane, Kempsey. This is despite having refused to permit a
similar proposal for slightly fewer dwellings off Post Office Lane and then won, with the Parish Council’s
support, an appeal against the decision. Both are outside the development boundary, both would intrude into
the countryside and harm the village’s landscape setting as well as put an added burden on existing services
and facilities. Indeed, it is now confirmed that there are no primary or secondary school places available and
children from 5 years onwards will have to be “transported” to unspecified schools elsewhere. A legal
agreement to secure financial contributions is required so the permission has not been formally granted yet.
It was a close call with 6 councillors for and 5 against. Another application for up to 140 dwellings around
Bannut Hill hasn’t been decided but the Brookend Lane decision is worrying. A strong public representation
against the application at the meeting could have changed the Brookend Lane decision and is a lesson for
Bannut Hill in due course. Councillors are making decisions which affect us – be there and let them know
what you feel!
Community Builder
As part of its Connected Communities policy, Malvern Hills District Council is committed to supporting
communities to continue to be strong, resilient, and sustainable and believes ‘that people live more fulfilling
lives when they have the power to shape their own outcomes and change things that matter to them’. This
principle is entirely supported by the Parish Council. To this end, KPC has secured £50k of funds from
MHDC, using money from central government (UK Shared Prosperity Funding), to employ a Community
Builder for two years. Community Builders work with residents and partners to strengthen community
connections with the aim of reducing isolation and improving health and well-being. Community Builders are
already operational at MHDC, Worcester City and elsewhere in the county. I am pleased to announce that
Mrs Cathy Garner will take up this post from January. Cathy was brought up in Kempsey and continues to
live in the village with her husband and two children. She has previously served as a governor of Kempsey
Primary School and as the co-chair of the successful campaign to bring improved flood prevention to the
village. From October 2021 to April 2023, Cathy served as a KPC councillor leading our highly successful
Parish Survey in 2022. Taking forward the results of the survey through wider community consultation will be
a key part of the role, with the aim of establishing a ‘vision’ for a future Kempsey based on the aspirations of
its residents.
Christmas Tree
Around eighty people attended the lighting of the Christmas Tree event outside the Parish Hall on 5
December to listen to songs from the children’s choir and to see the tree illuminated. Many thanks to the
team who organised the tree and the evening, especially to Cllr Neil Stevens who led the event.
Public consultation
A chance to view and comment on the plans for the new Community & Sports Centre at Old Road South /
Pixham Ferry Lane will be held early in the New Year at the Youth Centre at Plovers Rise. Watch out for the
details coming soon.