The local policing team have been made aware of Rogue Traders in your area today Wednesday 20th March 2024 on Elgar Drive, Kempsey.  They were cold calling offering to Jet Wash driveways and were charging a lot of money and being quite forceful!

What are Rogue Traders?
Rogue traders are people who call at your door pretending to be qualified tradespeople offering to do work on your home. They may suggest urgent repairs need carrying out at your home. They aim to put you under pressure to have work done to your home immediately. An example would be: They noticed a roof tile out of place, a Rogue Trader will fabricate a story to have you believe it is a bad sign and you may need to replace all of your roof tiles and your roof is falling. 

Tips to remember:
Do not buy goods or services from doorstep traders (If you do, my advice to you is to pay by credit card as this will give you the opportunity to claim your money back should you need to)Do not open the door if you do not know the callerDo not let a stranger into your homeDo display a warning card that you do not buy goods or services at the doorDo use a door chain on both the front and back doorDo check ID cardsDo make a note of any vehicle details (the registration number, any business name, etc.)

DO report suspicious callers to Trading Standards, the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline number is 0808 223 1133.

What happens after you’ve reported to Trading Standards
Trading Standards will use the information you give to decide if they’ll investigate. They’ll only contact you if they need more information. Even if Trading Standards don’t contact you, they might use your evidence to take action against the business in the future. For example, if other people make complaints about the same business.

Police advise that you do not open the door to cold callers, should you need to report concerns to us please do so by calling 101, if you are feeling threatened, in case of an emergency dial 999. 

Rogue Traders are known to target elderly residents. If you have vulnerable friends/family, please share this information with them.

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