The new landlord of the Talbot has taken to social media asking parents to respect the pub car park once again and faced abuse from some parents – this seems to be recurring historic behaviour.

While the Talbot is pleased to take the pressure off post office lane, it seems some parents are ignoring the rules of which spaces to use, and are now blocking customers from using the pub and moving cones which are used to ensure disabled bays are kept clear.

Some parents are using the cones to ‘reserve’ spaces for their own child pick up and drop off.

One resident told us, Kempsey primary school need to write to the parents again and remind them if the abuse continues they could loose the facility.

One parent told us that they heard abuse being hurled towards staff when asked to move.

While another parent told us, that the Talbot car park is private land, it’s not a public car park. Some parents seem to think its a god given right.

With space limited outside the school, the pub car park seems the obvious place to park, but at what cost to the business?

Hopefully the new landlord and the school can work together for a harmonious solution.

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