So, we won! A few Wednesdays ago, I attended the MHDC Northern Planning meeting, and I spoke on many residents’ behalf against the proposed development of 140-odd homes at Bannut Hill. Can I just personally thank your District Councillors David Harrison and John Michael, along with your Parish Councillor Rob Gardner, who all spoke with knowledge, authority and passion against this carbuncle of an application.
Can I also personally thank each and everyone of you who took the time and effort to object, be it by email or in person. It really made a difference! I was upset that banners and signs were banned at the last moment from the Public Meeting – the clue is in the name: a Public Meeting. I understand the need for the public to remain quiet during a meeting, but not being allowed to hold up a banner…….. Really?
Adoption of New Estates
During my term as your County Councillor, I have been repeatedly chasing to find out the current status and timescales of adoption of the roads on our newer estates.
I have now been able to find out all the information needed to confidently give you the picture of where we are:
1. Derrington Gardens –
The Provisional Certificate of Completion (PCC) was issued on 27/10/2022. The site is subject to a minimum 36- month maintenance period after which it is to be re-inspected
and, once all snagging remedial works have been completed, it will be adopted.
2. Saxon Meadow estate (Mercia Way) – adopted on 31/10/2023.
3.(i) Lawnspool Drive –
The PCC was issued on 24/01/2022 and the site is now part way through a minimum 36-month maintenance period after which it will be re- inspected and, once all snagging remedial works have been completed, it will be adopted.
3.(ii) Centurion Drive –
The S38 Agreement has not yet been signed, but the legal process is at an advanced stage, so hopefully this will be completed in the near future. This site will be subject to a minimum 36-month maintenance period.
3.(iii) Fortuna Way/Sabrina Crescent –
The S38 Agreement has not yet been signed and the legal process is ongoing. This S38 Agreement cannot be signed until the Centurion Drive S38 Agreement is in place because Fortuna Way/Sabrina Crescent
relies on Centurion Drive for access. Without this it is isolated from the existing highway network.
Regarding The Grove, I am still seeking information and I will let you know where we are with this, when I receive some firm answers.
Finally, can I thank all those who make such a difference with the lovely flowers that are now popping up. Their time freely given makes this such a great place to live.