It’s official the village will get up to 40 new homes despite objections who say the village is turning into a “race track”.

Similar applications have been denied, but this one’s been grated so far.

Richborough Estates will build a new housing estate in fields south of Brookend Lane.

Malvern Hills District Council has granted outline planning permission, which means the developer will need to come back with more detailed plans before construction can go ahead, which it likely will.

“The development aims to create a positive addition to Kempsey, complementing its location, setting and landscape context, with a design character that responds to the existing context of the place and creates a transition between the village and the wider countryside to the east,” the developer says in planning documents.

“The site can provide a new landscaped park which retains existing trees and achieves biodiversity net gains, new equipped children’s play areas and a new communal food growing area, providing opportunities for social interaction and an integrated community.

“The design can deliver attractive streets which include high-quality drainage features, an increase in local housing choice with mixed tenure housing, and responsive edges that provide a positive relationship between the local heritage and wider countryside.”

But neighbours are unhappy with the thought of more houses being built in Kempsey and voiced their concerns.

Garry Haines said: “I object on the basis there is no infrastructure in place. Schools, doctors are already at bursting point and as for the hospital, it’s way too small. It is all about greed, you talk about global warming and the environment and do this.”

Claire Lisseman said: “The village does not want more housing developments built. You’re ruining the area, causing huge safety issues – the roads and facilities are not in place to accommodate more housing.”

Benjamin Barclay said: “No infrastructure put in place. Narrow road with blind corners and doesn’t need an increase in traffic. Will impact on safety.”

Sam Smith said: “Before they build more homes, they might want to sort the rest of the village first and provide us all with services that are needed”

Stephanie Thornton said: “Stop building in the village. It’s getting too big. What about Severn Stoke? Although they will disagree too. Please no more homes here, it’s like a race track and gone downhill with the amount of building and homes.”

It’s clear the village needs infrastructure improvements, better shops, pharmacy and school extension.

Colin said: “I don’t mind new developments but services and facilities need to improve perhaps get rid of one of the awful pubs in the village and repurpose the land for much needed retail and service space a pharmacy and takeaway would be great we have nothing“

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